Saturday, 12 July 2014

The White Queen

I never watched this on TV but I really feel that Gregory wrote this in the format of a mini-series script. Congratulations, it worked for her! 
 I enjoyed the story and the history. I have always loved the mystery of the Princes in the tower. So I feel like I have been reminded about what happened during the the dying days of the War of the Roses. Yes, a great story, good on facts but the characters were not real enough for me. Everyone was a cardboard cut out. As there were lots of women in this book  I thought I might get some insight into a  women's life in the 15th century but no, nothing but bitching and scheming with bits of witchcraft thrown in for good measure.  (Women hid away in a dark room for 6weeks before their babies were born, isolated from everyone but one maid. it would have been interesting if Gregory had told us what the hell this was like.) 
This is my first Philippa G book and to be honest I didn't really like her style. My GOD she sledgehammers the plot out, constantly repeating things!    Every character is introduced as 'Richard my son' or 'Edward, the King'. Every time someone speaks they clunkily refer back to past events to 'help the reader.'  OK, I'm taking this way too seriously but hey, I'm allowed to!
This book reminded me of a version of those TV shows on a Sunday evening on BBC 1 like Merlin and Atlantis. A kind of melding of modern day soap opera with folklore and history.   On TV it works because they play about and have a laugh but in this book it didn't because Gregory tries to keep within the true historical facts and it's just annoying.   This would have worked far better for me if there were dragons or wizards. Sorry Mel, I'm a harsh critic. 

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