Wednesday, 20 May 2015

The Luminaries

HELP ME!!!!!     I just can't take it any more. I'm over half way through this book but I have to STOP. Life is too short to read this pretentious junk. Yes, it's clever. Yes, it's well structured. But for me it's just dull, dull, dull. The characters are just paper thin, the story line is  turgid and it just goes round and round like the planets. All of the links to astrology, planet movements and stars and all that nonsense don't compensate for a boring story. It's so bloody full of itself that the first chapter is 360 pages long, (360 like the  angles in a circle.  get it? wow! how 'clever' , yawn.) the waning of the chapter length from here is meant to be important but  for me it is just bloody irritating and each of the 19 characters are either linked to static planets or star signs with weird planetary pictures before each chapter, which I have had to google to understand. 
  Well, enough is enough, I've tried to get into it but I can't. The story is just too lame because of the structural constraints, which is a shame because I think she is a good writer and could have done so much better. Reading is meant to be fun and this isn't. Oh dear, I'm not having much luck with my reading lately. Freia thanks for the birthday present but I have to finally admit defeat! PS Freia, would you like to have my copy?! 

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